You Asked It: Is Masturbation Bad For Me?
Is masturbation bad for me? You asked it, we answered!
Is masturbation bad for me? You asked it, we answered!
Is it ok to use a vibrator? Will it make me enjoy sex less? You asked it, we answered!
There is no right or wrong way to masturbate.
I can have an orgasm alone, but not with other people. Is something wrong with me? You asked it, we answered!
How can you tell if you've had an orgasm? You asked it, we answered!
Is it true that a girl can't get pregnant if the guy masturbates before sex? You asked it, we answered!
Is it normal for girls to masturbate? You asked it, we answered!
It’s ok if you’ve never had an orgasm or if you’re unsure if you have. You Asked It!