March is National Nutrition Month. Eating healthy can seem complicated, especially when you don’t have much time to cook. But simple changes can help you eat out healthier and have more control over what you eat!

We know that teens and young adults are busy. You may not always have the time or tools (looking at you, college students) to plan and cook meals. When you’re running from class to a club meeting to work to a basketball practice, you may find yourself eating out more than you mean to. Here are 5 simple tips to eat out healthier, based on this blog post from our former dietetic intern Maeda Qureshi.

What tips would you add? Find us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and let us know!


The Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center is located in New York City. It provides comprehensive, confidential, judgment free health care at no charge to over 12,000 young people every year. This column is not intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual, only general information for education purposes only.